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Paisa supports a simple budgeting system. Let's say you get 50000 INR at the beginning of the month. You want to budget this amount and figure out how much you can spend on each category.

Let's add a salary transaction to the ledger:

2023/08/01 Salary
    Income:Salary:Acme         -50,000 INR

Now you have 50k in your checking account. Let's budget this amount:

~ Monthly in 2023/08/01
    Expenses:Rent               15,000 INR
    Expenses:Food               10,000 INR
    Expenses:Clothing            5,000 INR
    Expenses:Entertainment       5,000 INR
    Expenses:Transport           5,000 INR
    Expenses:Personal            5,000 INR

The ~ character indicates that this is a periodic transaction. This is not a real transaction, but used only for forecasting purposes. You can read more about periodic expressions and periodic transactions.


Even though the interval part is optional as per the doc, there is a bug in the ledger-cli, so you can't use ~ in 2023/08/01, instead you always have to specify some interval like ~ Monthly in 2023/08/01.

Initial Budget

Now you can see that you will have 5k left in your checking account at the end of the month, if you spend as per your budget. Before you spend, you can check your budget and verify if you have money available under that category.

Let's add some real transactions.

2023/08/02 Rent
    Expenses:Rent               15,000 INR

2023/08/03 Transport
    Expenses:Transport           1,000 INR

2023/08/03 Food
    Expenses:Food                8,500 INR

2023/08/05 Transport
    Expenses:Transport           2,000 INR

2023/08/07 Transport
    Expenses:Transport           3,000 INR

2023/08/10 Personal
    Expenses:Personal            4,000 INR

2023/08/15 Insurance
    Expenses:Insurance           10000 INR

Month end Budget

As the month progresses, you can see how much you have spent and how much you have left. You notice that you have overspent on transport and you have missed the insurance payment. You have a budget deficit now. That means, you can't actually spend as per your budget. You have to first bring the deficit back to 0. Let's cut down the entertainment and clothing budget to 0

~ Monthly in 2023/08/01
    Expenses:Rent              15,000 INR
    Expenses:Food              10,000 INR
    Expenses:Clothing               0 INR
    Expenses:Entertainment          0 INR
    Expenses:Transport          5,000 INR
    Expenses:Personal           5,000 INR

Budget Deficit Fixed

You can go back and adjust your budget anytime. Let's move on to the next month, assuming you haven't made any further transaction.

2023/09/01 Salary
    Income:Salary:Acme        -50,000 INR

~ Monthly in 2023/09/01
    Expenses:Rent              15,000 INR
    Expenses:Food              10,000 INR
    Expenses:Clothing           5,000 INR
    Expenses:Entertainment      5,000 INR
    Expenses:Transport          5,000 INR
    Expenses:Personal           5,000 INR

Next month Budget

You can see a new element in the UI called Rollover1. This is basically the amount you have budgeted last month, but haven't spent. This will automatically rollover to the next month. That's pretty much it.

To recap, there are just two things you need to do.

1) Create a periodic transaction at the beginning of the month when you get your salary.

2) Adjust your budget as you spend and make sure there is no deficit.

  1. If you prefer to not have rollover feature, it can be disabled in the configuration page.